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SHMOOGANOGRAPHY - Score Board - Hints - Archive - ShmooCon

Please insert your team name in the email subject line when submitting stage codes

Stage 1: Indiana Shmoo merges new school with old school as he searches for hidden treasure. Put your medallion to work.
Stage 1: Scan the poster with your eyes, but you may see more when you get nearer.
Stage 2: Following the right dimensions won’t lead you to the grail: push the boundaries to get warm, warmer, hot.
Stage 2: latitude, longitude, and zoom may point you to a real destination, unreal values take you to where you really want to be.
Stage 1: Your smartphone has a camera, but your Flipper doesn’t – yet it can still see the answer.
Stage 2: Skimming tiles shows you the map surface, yet zooming into unknown ranges will lead you to a hidden path.
Map issues and learning? https://leafletjs.com/examples.html
Stage 2: Last hint for Stage 2 mod(https://leafletjs.com/examples/zoom-levels/)
Stage 2 (FINE here's another clue...) The treasure map points to a real tile. Location has a relationship to zoom. (Wait a "2 to the what mod"...) Still stuck? We'll post a last hint at midnight
Stage 4: Archaeology explores the whole globe at the lowest level of detail. Zoom out a bit, steg, and report.
Stage 5: *IndianaShmoo* doesn’t give up at forbidden entrances. Use your *m3u8* utility.
Stage 4: Indy hates the museum made the excavation be so uniform in the dig. And don't forget to dig lower but not to the bottom.
Stage4: z=17
Stage4: Look for Special tiles with no Bounding layer. Pretty Nice thinGs can be found.
Stage 5: Indy 0xffffffffound his markers.
Stage 5: Indy doesn’t like shortened video clips. He wants to start at the beginning, and so should you.